Ways to create a lasting legacy

Everyone wants to be remembered. For some, this might be the driving force that leads to extraordinary achievements or history-making contributions. But for most, it’s what pushes us to leave a legacy—to pass on knowledge, share memorable stories and favorite family recipes or give away treasured family heirlooms. Putting life in order is a challenging, yet rewarding task. Here are a few ideas on how you can make your mark on future generations.
Share a secret recipe.
Food is more than fuel, it is embedded in our culture, traditions, daily lives and rituals. We eat at funerals, weddings, graduation parties and family reunions. We remember the taste, smell, textures and most of all, who made it. A recipe book can be one of the best ways to leave a legacy. The simple smell of a favorite dish made using a family recipe will satisfy the taste buds and trigger the most cherished family memories.
Pass on an heirloom.
Whether it’s an item that has been passed down from generation to generation or simply one of your most cherished items, pass it to someone that will love and appreciate it. When you pass it on, write down and share the history of the item with them.
Write it down!
Write about anything and everything—memorable stories and experiences, family medical history, childhood memories, holiday traditions or historical moments. Try answering a specific question asked by a family member or writing to someone in the future generation you’ll never have the opportunity to meet.
Go digital.
Make a video or audio recording and talk about what interests you most or answer a specific question asked by a family member.
Make a donation / contribution to a community organization.
Philanthropy is a more traditional way to leave a legacy. Plant a tree, make a donation, buy a brick or create a scholarship fund. Most of all, choose something that makes an impact after you are gone. This will show your family and friends the values and organizations you revered most.
Make a time capsule.
Create your message to your future generation by including newspapers, photos, music, books, poems or special mementos. Plan for it to be opened in the distant future for relatives not even born yet to discover.
These are just a few ways to preserve your legacy and impact the future of generations to come.
What a gift!